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Do Not Track

Do Not Track is a privacy setting that allows internet users to request that websites and online services not track their browsing activities across different sites. This setting is intended to give users more control over their online privacy by informing websites not to collect their data for targeted advertising or other purposes.

Example #1

When you enable the Do Not Track setting in your web browser, it sends a signal to websites letting them know that you do not want to be tracked for advertising purposes.


Misuse of the Do Not Track setting can occur when websites ignore the user's request and continue to track their online activities. This is a violation of the user's privacy preferences and undermines their trust in the online ecosystem. It is important to protect against misuse to ensure that users' privacy choices are respected and upheld.


One of the benefits of the Do Not Track feature is that it helps users limit the collection of their personal data by online platforms. By activating this setting, users can reduce the amount of targeted advertising they are exposed to and have more control over their online privacy.


Do Not Track is a valuable tool for consumers seeking to safeguard their online privacy by preventing websites from monitoring their browsing behavior for targeted ads. It underscores the importance of respecting user preferences and empowering individuals to protect their personal information online.

Related Terms

Data PrivacyTracking CookiesPersonal Data

Last Modified: 4/30/2024
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